Tuesday 7 February 2012

On my way

As I write this post on my iPhone, I'm on the train just past Belleville Ontario. The train has been a mostly positive experience, barring the throwing up at the Montreal station this morning and the near breakdown I had before leaving Moncton when a couple of my bags were too heavy. I may have said something like, if I wanted this kind of service, I would've taken an airplane. The attendant then did All he could to help after that. My dear friend Emily stopped by to see me in Montreal, which was super sweet of her. . I'll detail much more coherent accounts of my trip upon my arrival. Thanks for reading!


  1. :) All aboard the Katelin train! :)

    How sweet of Em to go and see you...there is something special about my NBCC favourites xo


  2. Belleville the birth place of....ME!!
    It was great seeing you! <3
