Thursday, 16 February 2012

it's been a long time comin'

I am here in my new room, on my new bed (air mattress), in my new apartment, after getting home from my new job, and with all of these new things, I find I'm missing New Brunswick.

I'm not missing it in the way that I regret my decision, or even want to come back right now. I'm missing it because it's home. I met a lady from Miramichi today, and I almost hugged her.

The people in Fort St. John have been quite lovely so far. Within my first 24 hours here, I made my way to the arts centre to see the one and only Matt Andersen. I realize I had never met him before, but as someone who has spent the past few years in Western New Brunswick, I feel quite proud to say we're from the same place. And to hear the crowd erupt for the talent that is he made me feel quite proud to say he was from my home.

Now, for the fun stuff: I truly love being a reporter. I love the long hours; I love being on the go; I love being in the know; I love being in the newsroom; I love the coffee; I love being busy.

I wouldn't be me without some catastrophe happening on my first day. I had just completed my first story on Tuesday (Monday I was basically shadowing the lovely lady I'm replacing), and I snapped a photo with my iPhone for posterity. And thank heavens I did. It wasn't two minutes later that the spinning wheel of death (yes, if you've ever used a mac you know what that colourful wheel of misfortune is) made his appearance. I tried turning it off and on again. I tried everything, but that computer was definitely written off, along with my story.

Because The Alaska Highway News  is a daily paper, I needed that story to help fill the pages. In a fit of brilliance, I remembered the photo I had taken, and found myself retyping the story from the tiny print of an iPhone photo. I felt pretty proud that my own vanity saved the day.

In the next couple of days, I will post some photos from my amazing train trip across the country and share some stories from that. If any of you ever have the opportunity to ride VIA rail across Canada, please do it.It's worth the trip. Heed this advice, do not take coach if you do.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

On my way

As I write this post on my iPhone, I'm on the train just past Belleville Ontario. The train has been a mostly positive experience, barring the throwing up at the Montreal station this morning and the near breakdown I had before leaving Moncton when a couple of my bags were too heavy. I may have said something like, if I wanted this kind of service, I would've taken an airplane. The attendant then did All he could to help after that. My dear friend Emily stopped by to see me in Montreal, which was super sweet of her. . I'll detail much more coherent accounts of my trip upon my arrival. Thanks for reading!